
The school year is coming to an end and the kids are due to move up a year, change classroom and teacher, change of kids in the class as they all get moved around.  Change change change!  For an ASD/SPD kid with anxiety that’s just about as bad as it gets.  And for a boy that’s still on the waiting list to start therapy it just means that the next school year will feel as confusing and scary as this year did.

I cannot do something that is almost certain to put us back at the point where we have daily meltdowns and panic attacks, threats to commit suicide, jumping out of the moving car, laying in the road, etc.

We have just put in our application to home school.  It may or may not be a permanent way of schooling for us, we’ll just have to see.  I do think it’s the best choice for our son’s mental health right now.  I hope I can do well for him so that he doesn’t fall behind, but I can’t help but feel that he won’t learn at school if he’s in a constant state of panic and anxiety.  At home, he will learn at least a little.  I hope we can reignite his interest in the world.

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